Our updated “ECL Fact Sheet: Climate Change and its Implications for Nebraska” is now available (link to document).
It’s a wealth of up-to-date information and analysis that provides a clear Nebraska perspective. And it builds a compelling case for Building Resilience to the Changing Climate: the Need for a Nebraska Climate Action Plan. Our state senators will be considering this in the current 2020 session—LB 283 would assign the University of Nebraska to develop such a plan that will ‘’—meet the challenges of climate change, and its impacts will enable the state and its communities to take advantage of opportunities resulting from adaptation and mitigation strategies, including attracting new businesses and investment to Nebraska, as well as reducing the potential negative impacts of climate change”.
So, after reviewing this document, please take some time to contact your senator and other elected officials, letting them know YOUR POSITION on this issue.
This link is also available under the Resources and Publications section of this website for future referencing.