“Wise eldership is the ongoing effort of processing factual information into knowledge, and knowledge into understanding, and understanding into wisdom—wisdom to be shared for the common good of all.”
Knowledge: Study and develop the ever-growing knowledge of sound climate science and its interface with humanity.
Continue to build and refine a sound personal knowledge base of climate change.
Resist the temptation to assume that the opinions of others are always factual.
Listen openly to the opposing sides of debates associated with climate change
Be ready and willing to respectfully share one’s knowledge of climate change to a receptive audience—be it one person or many.
Understanding: Critically assess the trends and implications of climate change, particularly as those implications impact humans and their natural environment today and into the future.
Seek to “connect the dots” of climate change, knowing that the relationships of natural forces are not always straight-forward nor immediately evident.
Focus on the implications for humanity—present and future—that will ultimately decide meaningful cultural and policy response to the climate issues.
Develop one’s understanding of opportunities for action that can benefit humanity today as well as into the future; i.e., build a story of hope.
Understand the trade-offs and the risks as well as the distribution of positive and negative Impacts of the various scenarios.
Wisdom: Pass on the Earth Legacy. As elders, we see the climate challenge through the lens of experience and history. This unique perspective allows us to provide a much larger context in which to discuss, teach, and nurture the significance of Earth Stewardship and a Vision of a more sustainable future.
Be willing to effectively and passionately share our own elder wisdom story with others—be they family, friends, neighbors, the business community, public officials, the faith community, or anyone within our conversations.
Be an elder teacher/mentor to the younger generation -
Commit with other elders to become a powerful “Voice of Reason” wherever and whenever decisions are being made that will affect the success of achieving a sustainable Earth Community.
Always remain “teachable” that our individual and collective wisdom evolves and matures.
Live each day with hope and purpose!